
2024-09-20 01:21:43 13971
网球英语简介,关于网球的英语介绍摘要: 网球英文介绍网友分享:1。网球,tennis ball,ball about the size of a fist used in playing tennis。2。Tenni...


网友分享:1。网球,tennis ball,ball about the size of a fist used in playing tennis。2。Tennis is a game played by two or four players on a rectangular court。The players use an oval bat with strings across it to。

1、网球 英文简介

1。网球,tennis ball,ball about the size of a fist used in playing tennis。2。Tennis is a game played by two or four players on a rectangular court。The players use an oval bat with strings across it to。


is now popular all over the world, known as the world's first two great ball games。翻译过来:网球是一项优美而激烈的运动,网球运动的由来和发展可以用四句话来概括:孕育在法国,诞生在英国,开始普及和形成高潮在。


网友分享:Tennis is a game played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players (doubles)。 Players use a stringed racquet to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt (most of the time yell。

4、网球 英文简介

网友分享:ball 网球 ball sense 网感 ball control 控球技术 blocked return 堵截回击球 bodyline ball 贴身球 base line 底线 ball boy 拾球员 ball change 换球 bye 比赛轮空 be quiet 安静 c chip shot 削球 cement courts 。


网友分享:Danzing, an outstanding authority, as “the ultimate of court games,” in his book “The Racquet Game”。 In England the old game is called as tennis or real tennis。 The new game they term as lawn tennis。

网球英语简介,关于网球的英语介绍  第1张




网友分享:tennis spread throughout the upper-class English-speaking population before spreading around the world。 Tennis is an Olympic sport and is played at all levels of society at all ages。 The sport can be played 。

网球英语简介,关于网球的英语介绍  第2张



网球英语简介,关于网球的英语介绍  第3张


网友分享:such as Rafael Nadal、Roger Federer、Li Na and so on。and now in china, there are many people liking playing tennis。and i think, tennis is a kind of sport that is fansianating。 行不行啊 我不知道。


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