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网球英文作文怎么写,最喜欢的运动网球英文作文摘要: 《我最喜欢的运动》(英语作文,网球的,词70个左右)Tennis,the sport of gentry。I never heared this game before unt...


Tennis,the sport of gentry。I never heared this game before untill I saw it on TV。When I first saw this game,I thought it is very cool eventhough I can‘t understand the rule of this game。So I began。


网球(Tennis)Tennis, is a kind of sports interesting but expensive。 because you have to buy the pat and balls before you play it, especially the pat is rather expensive, it probably cost you several hundred。

网球英文作文怎么写,最喜欢的运动网球英文作文  第1张


网友分享:certainly it is one kind of exciting competition project。Plays tennis, civilized, lofty, the movement is exquisite, splits out one time every time the good shot, all can make one feel excitedly exceptionally。


网友分享:过去网球运动的规则一直墨守成规,直到1980年,那尘封已久的惯例才被打破 ,此前只有在1970年一次网球比赛中采用了决胜局的比赛方法,大多数原因是多数人只是把网球当做观赏性的一种运动而已。


I started to watch tennis match。I have learned the tennis, I will call my friends to play with me when I have time。 Now I am a big fan of the tennis match, I will watch the tour matches once I 。

5、写一篇 关于网球的英语作文 1:孙甜甜和李婷得北京奥运会女子双打冠军

网友分享:I used to show no interest in tennis。 But even since Li Ting and Sun Tiantian won the Doubles championship in 2008 Olympic games。 Playing tennis is also good for your health。 字数有限,楼主参考下~。

网球英文作文怎么写,最喜欢的运动网球英文作文  第2张


one of my favorite sports is playing tennis which can keep me healthy through lots of excise。 at weekends, if i am gree,i would like to invite my friends to play tennis together。 i enjoy having。

7、网球和羽毛球 对比 英语作文

网友分享:people, can be divided into singles and doubles。 Compared with similar nature of tennis, badminton to contestant’s physical requirements is not high, but more endurance, very suitable for Oriental development。


容易造成运动损伤,比如网球肘、腱鞘炎等。打球费用较高,球馆场地、球、球拍、球线和球鞋等费用需要考虑。Benefits:Tennis is an aerobic and anaerobic alternating sport, so tennis can maximize the satisfaction of。

网球英文作文怎么写,最喜欢的运动网球英文作文  第3张


the English board ball club has formulated the tennis contest rule。 InJuly, 1877, the entire English board ball club were more for theentire English board ball and the lawn tennis club, and first time。


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