
2024-09-20 23:23:34 15534
网球馆英文attheweekend,网球馆的英语摘要: on the weekend/ in the weekend/ at the weekend。三个短语怎么区别at the weekend 强调的是一个具体的时间,在具体的时间...

on the weekend/ in the weekend/ at the weekend。三个短语怎么区别

at the weekend 强调的是一个具体的时间,在具体的时间点前用at,是它的一般用法。如:I don‘t work at the weekend。我周末不工作。但如果强调的是一个特定的周末,就不能用at而要改为on。如:Jack was killed on t。

1、at the weekend与for the weekend的区别是什么

网友分享:We usually do our shopping at the weekend。我们通常利用周末采购物品。Could we go and play tennis at the weekend?能一起去打网球吗?We slipped away to Paris for the weekend。我们赶到巴黎去度周末 Do you have。


网友分享:Ping pong arena/venue Badminton arena/venue Tennis arena/venue 网球场有clay红土场和grass草场 。

3、游泳馆、田径场(馆)、网球馆、球类馆、行政教学楼 这些英文怎么翻译

网友分享:Natatorium, athletic fields (Museum), tennis hall, sports museum, the Chief Teaching Building 。

网球馆英文attheweekend,网球馆的英语  第1张


at weekends At weekends the roads are jammed with holidaymakers coming to gawp at the parade 周末的时候,公路上便挤满了前来观看游行的度假游客。I don’t do the housework at weekends。 I play tennis 。

5、我们说 on weekend , at weekend, 还是in the weekend

I frequently play tennis on weekend。周末的时候我常打网球。at weekend在周末 I like to take some energetic exercise at weekend。我喜欢在周末做些剧烈运动。What is wrong with my friends visiting me at weekend?我。

网球馆英文attheweekend,网球馆的英语  第2张


网友分享:close the door 关门 close the window 关窗户 paly football 踢足球/打橄榄球 play basketball 打篮球 play volleyball 打排球 play badminton 打羽毛球 play golf 打高尔夫球 play bowling 打保龄球 play table tennis 打。

7、on weekends与at weekends的区别

或者年,世纪。weekends是周末,weekends是特定的两天,而不是随便一天中的某个时刻,用on。而at是周或者小时的介词;其实两者是用法上的区别,没有实质上的区别。英式英语习惯用at;美式英语习惯使用 on。

8、at weekends和on weekends的区别

housework at weekends。 I play tennis with my friends。周末我不做家务。我和朋友打网球。At weekends, we can go to the outskirts for a picnic with our friends。在周末,我们能为和我们的朋友一次野餐去近郊。

网球馆英文attheweekend,网球馆的英语  第3张


范文:I went to the movies last week and went to the hotel with my girlfriend。 I also got paid at the weekend。 My girlfriend and I had a good meal。I also went to the amusement park。 There were so。


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