
2024-09-20 14:43:43 16084
网球的十大功能介绍英语,网球的好处英文摘要: 用中英文介绍网球的好处与坏处不要太多网球是项有氧和无氧交替的运动,所以网球可以最大限度的使希望锻炼身体的人得到不同层面的满足:打网球可以健身,减肥塑...


网球是项有氧和无氧交替的运动,所以网球可以最大限度的使希望锻炼身体的人得到不同层面的满足:打网球可以健身,减肥塑身保持健康 坏处:容易造成运动损伤,比如网球肘、腱鞘炎等。打球费用较高,球馆场地、球、球拍、。

1、网球 英文简介

网友分享:1。网球,tennis ball,ball about the size of a fist used in playing tennis。2。Tennis is a game played by two or four players on a rectangular court。 The players use an oval bat with strings across it to hit a ba。


网友分享:March 1, 1913, from 12 countries such as Australia‘s tennis association representatives, was set up in Paris, the International Tennis Federation (ITF), to coordinate the activities of the International Tennis arranged sched。

网球的十大功能介绍英语,网球的好处英文  第1张


网友分享:parallel with the baselines, dividing it into two equal ends。 The net is 3 feet 6 inches (1.07 m) high at the posts and 3 feet (914 mm) high in the center。网球是一项隔着球网、用球拍击打橡胶制空心。


网友分享:国中的必修科目---基础英语,是以反复扎实地打好文法,发音基础为理解的第一步,这门学科正适合脚踏实地的大石吧? 将牢牢扎稳的基础予以活用。大石就是靠这种脚踏实地的精神来提升网球的实力。 ■从打球类型看大石秀一郎 把搭档的优点。

网球的十大功能介绍英语,网球的好处英文  第2张


网友分享:Tennis is the turn of aerobic and anaerobic exercise, the tennis can hope to make the maximum exercise of the people to be at different levels to meet: I hope that the body can be to play tennis body 。


网友分享:which allows a player to challenge the line (or chair) umpire’s call of a point。Tennis enjoys millions of recreational players and is also a hugely popular worldwide spectator sport, especially the four Grand。



网球的十大功能介绍英语,网球的好处英文  第3张


it probably cost you several hundred yuan or even more if you want to buy a better one to improve your playing skill。 And the ground is basic condition for the tennis players。As building a piece of groun。


网友分享:1,网球介绍 Tennis is a game played with a racket and a ball by two (as in singles) or four (as in doubles) competitors, on a rectangular court with a net strung between the midpoints of the longer。


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