
2024-09-21 10:44:14 14785
乒乓球的个人介绍英语摘要: 关于乒乓球的英文介绍18字左右网友分享:关于乒乓球的英文介绍:Table tennis is a worldwide popular sport, including attack...


网友分享:关于乒乓球的英文介绍:Table tennis is a worldwide popular sport, including attack, confrontation and defense. The competition is divided into groups, singles and doubles. Table tennis is China's national sport.。


My heroes is Zhang Jike,he has two gold medal in 2012 London Olympic Games.He is the fourth grand slam Ping Pang athlete in the world.He is very powerful and Handsome.我心目中的英雄是张继科,他在2012年。


网友分享:Wang have to be harder than other younger players. She is really a great player.王楠是一名来自辽宁的中国乒乓球运动员。从1999年到2001年,王一直在国际乒联排名世界第一。她是左撇子,七岁时开始打乒乓球。她的特殊。

乒乓球的个人介绍英语  第1张


网友分享:英文介绍:Table tennis is a popular sport in the world. Table tennis ball, the game to 11 points as a board, using five games three wins or four games seven wins.中文翻译:乒乓球,是一种世界流行的球类。


它跟草坪网球和羽毛球都是由网球演变而来的。在19世纪的后半叶,乒乓球就以其现在的名字或其他商业名流行于英国,比如: GOSSIMA, WHIFF-WHAFF。而当乒乓这个名字被J.Jaques&Son引进之后,乒乓球就开始越来越受欢迎。Now,。

乒乓球的个人介绍英语  第2张

5、乒乓球介绍 英语

网友分享:The ping-pong introduce The ping-pong originates England of the 70's in 19 centuries, Be a kind of athletics item that replaces recreational sport of the lawn tennis of the leisure time.Today, the ping-。


18 years old. I majored in West Point, I love this profession. In the game has obtained excellent results. The parents are proud of me. My hobby is playing table tennis, so my life is very full.。


篇一:乒乓球 What's your hobby?Do you know my hobby?Well,let me tell you.My hobby is playing ping-pong.I think that is very interesting.I play it every day.In our school,after class and after school。


网友分享:译文 张怡宁是我国著名乒乓球运动员,她1982年10月5日出生于北京,六岁开始打乒乓球,1993年进入国家队。而且,她是个训练刻苦,自信谦虚的人。她自2000年起,每年都在世乒赛 上至少获得一枚金牌:2004年和2008年分获得28。

乒乓球的个人介绍英语  第3张


ENLISH:乒乓介绍 乒乓球起源在19世纪70年代的英国,是一种运动项目,它取代的草地网球的休闲运动闲暇时间。今天,乒乓球已经成为本届比赛的竞技项目高科技和高速degree.If的从参与运动的人口看,可以算是乒乓作为世界上一项运动。


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