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关于乒乓球的英语对话,用英语说乒乓球摘要: 急求一篇与乒乓球有关的英语对话 重赏!!!网友分享:Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is an exciting game that...

急求一篇与乒乓球有关的英语对话 重赏!!!

网友分享:Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is an exciting game that can be played by two or four players. Even recreational players can relatively quickly become highly skilled, and ping pong at the professional。


a: b,are you want to play tennis?b:yes,i am.a:Lets go to the playground,now 。


relaxation, decompression in.through the play, has the good psychological quality.打乒乓球的好处:1.预防、治疗近视 。2.可健脑益智,开发智力,提高反应能力 。3.可以提高手脚的协调性, 使呼吸系统、运动系。


打乒乓球的英文释义 play table tennis ; play ping-pong 打乒乓球的英文例句 We usually go to play table tennis out of hours 我们在工作时间之外常常打乒乓球 Playing ( at ) chess is no fun; let's go to play table。

关于乒乓球的英语对话,用英语说乒乓球  第1张


网友分享:远台 back court 反手削球 backhand chop 中台 middle court 反手抽球 backhand drive 近台 short court 反手扣球 backhand smash 中线 center 反手直线球 back straight 台角 corner of table 反手弧圈球 backhand loop drive。


网友分享:展开全部 play table tennis 意思(打乒乓球) 本回答被提问者采纳 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 oO恋爱你的泪Oo 2008-08-26 知道答主 回答量:12 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页。

关于乒乓球的英语对话,用英语说乒乓球  第2张


在19世纪的后半叶,乒乓球就以其现在的名字或其他商业名流行于英国,比如: GOSSIMA, WHIFF-WHAFF。而当乒乓这个名字被J.Jaques&Son引进之后,乒乓球就开始越来越受欢迎。Now, competitive table tennis is popular in 。

关于乒乓球的英语对话,用英语说乒乓球  第3张

7、我喜欢打乒乓球 的 英语是 I like playing ping-pong或I like play pi

正确答案:I like playing ping-pong。like doing sth. 是一个固定搭配,表示某人的喜欢和爱好,喜欢长期做某事。不能说I like play ping-pong,这是个错误的表达。


网友分享:英文介绍:Table tennis is a popular sport in the world. Table tennis ball, the game to 11 points as a board, using five games three wins or four games seven wins.中文翻译:乒乓球,是一种世界流行的球类。

9、中国乒乓球 英语短文

网友分享:The History of Table Tennis 乒乓球的历史 Like many other sports,table tennis began as a mild social diversion.Descending,along with lawn tennis and badminton,from the ancient medieval game of tennis.It was pop。


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