
2024-09-20 17:56:23 17772
网球的技术动作介绍英文作文,用英语介绍网球规则摘要: 介绍网球的高中英语作文Tennis, is a kind of sports interesting but expensive。 because you have to bu...


Tennis, is a kind of sports interesting but expensive。 because you have to buy the pat and balls before you play it, especially the pat is rather expensive, it probably cost you several hundred yuan or ev。


网友分享:Tennis is a game played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players (doubles)。 Players use a stringed racquet to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt (most of the time yell。

2、用英文介绍网球 不要太详细的

Tennis is a beautiful and intense movement, the origin and development of tennis can be summarized with four points: bred in France, was born in England, began to spread and reach a peak in the United Sta。

网球的技术动作介绍英文作文,用英语介绍网球规则  第1张


Origin The tennis movement origin may trace to 12 - 13 centuries,originally is the French missionaries in the church winding corridorone kind of game which hits a ball with the hand。 The tennis in Frenchis 。

网球的技术动作介绍英文作文,用英语介绍网球规则  第2张

4、网球 英文简介

网友分享:我的才是网球英文简介:Tennis is a game played between either two players (“singles”) or two teams of two players (“doubles”)。 Players use a stringed racquet to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over a。


网友分享:国中的必修科目---基础英语,是以反复扎实地打好文法,发音基础为理解的第一步,这门学科正适合脚踏实地的大石吧? 将牢牢扎稳的基础予以活用。大石就是靠这种脚踏实地的精神来提升网球的实力。 ■从打球类型看大石秀一郎 把搭档的优点。


My favorite sport Tennis,the sport of gentry。I never heared this game before untill I saw it on TV。When I first saw this game,I thought it is very cool eventhough I can't understand the rule of this。


网友分享:elegant。 Moreover, plays tennis needs to have a match perhaps the ball friend, like this through plays tennis may promote the friendship, the enhancement unity, the exchange skill at ball games, the developmen。

网球的技术动作介绍英文作文,用英语介绍网球规则  第3张

8、写一篇 关于网球的英语作文 1:孙甜甜和李婷得北京奥运会女子双打冠军

网友分享:I used to show no interest in tennis。 But even since Li Ting and Sun Tiantian won the Doubles championship in 2008 Olympic games。 Playing tennis is also good for your health。 字数有限,楼主参考下~。




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